
Sigma Theory: Global Cold War


Feature: From the developers of Out There Premature Evaluation – Sigma Theory: Global Cold War. Steve Hogarty. 2 years ago. 22 There are few people I find as fascinating as Mister Julian Assange, the debonair hacker and out-of-work Geralt cosplayer who hid inside an embassy for seven years, skateboarding into the ambassador’s bedroom and demanding to know the new wi-fi password so. Here you can download Sigma Theory: Global Cold War for free! On this page you will find information about Sigma Theory: Global Cold War and how you can download the game for free. Here you get the direct link (from different filehoster) or a torrent download. The link to the free download can be found at the bottom of the page. Simple table for Sigma Theory: Global Cold War, may or may not work. Game generates code at runtime so table has a high chance of not working / detecting the wrong code / crashing. Tech Tree: Sigma Theory is the cause of this cold war. Rally scientists from around the world to your cause to discover new technologies to gain the edge and change the world. Mind control, destabilization of the world economy, robot soldiers, immortality Will you keep these discoveries for yourself or share them with the world? Sigma Theory is the cause of this cold war. Rally scientists from around the world to your cause to discover new technologies to gain the edge and change the world. Mind control, destabilization of the world economy, robot soldiers, immortality. Will you keep these discoveries for yourself or share them with the world?

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The technology tree

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Wiki

Technologies are Sigma Theory: Global Cold War's equivalent of a skill tree. Each node unlocks special tools, bonuses, or traits to strengthen the player's agents. Unlike many other games, these bonuses are only awarded to the first Nation to discover them. The first Nation to unlock a technology node chooses between one of two possible choices which grants 2-3 Σ points in addition to other bonuses. Subsequent Nations will receive a +100% modifier when studying a technology node that has already been unlocked (i.e. 'reverse-engineering'), and will receive 1 Σ point when completing the node.

Progressing through the technology tree is an integral part of the game. Upon obtaining 15 Σ points, the Nation unlocks a final technology branch with five nodes, each representing one of the five core branches. Completion of these nodes do not grant any bonuses or effects. Completing this final technology branch triggers the Victory Condition.

Note:Star sky. You are not required to complete the five core branches. Once 15 Σ points has been earned, only the final branch's completion is needed for victory.

Sigma Theory Steam

List of Technologies[editedit source]

Note: some details can change depending on patches.

Sigma Theory Global Cold War

Science branchLobby associatedLevelTechnologyDescriptionEffect
NeurosciencesCouncil of States1MENTALISA form of mental conditioning that results in an immediate and substantial increase in the intellectual power of an individual.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1-2 Agents receive Super-Intelligence trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Council of States, +10 relations your Nation, +5 minutes to Doomsday Clock
2HYPNOSThis parapsychological rhetorical method allows its user to redirect conversations and implant ideas in the minds of others.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, all Agents receive Hypnos trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Council of States, +10 relations your Nation, +5 minutes to Doomsday Clock
3FIDELISThis subtle method of conditioning inspires absolute, unquestioning loyalty in any individual.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1-3 Agents receive Docile trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Council of States, +5 minutes to Doomsday Clock
4SOMAA powerful means of subliminal suggestion, capable of influencing entire populations. This has the potential to undermine democracy itself.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Council of States, +5 minutes to Doomsday Clock
5CONTROLThis formidable technique allows you to mentally dominate a person via a simple conversation. This advance represents the end of free will.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Council of States, +5 minutes to Doomsday Clock, one leading Nation drops out of the Sigma race
HealthCovarsys Pharmaceuticals Corporation1PANACEAThis synthetic substance stabilizes the life cycle of cells. The benefits are too numerous to count, starting with a cure for every known form of cancer.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Covarsys, +15 relations your Nation
2CHAMELEONGenetic and skeleto-muscular manipulation that allows one to completely alter their facial structure. This will be a revolution in the cosmetics industry.. to say nothing of espionage.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receives Chameleon trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Covarsys, +15 relations your Nation
3MIRACLEA revolutionary bio-mimetic field dressing that can instantly treat almost any battlefield injury.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receives Regeneration trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Covarsys, +15 relations your Nation
4PSYCHOFLUXA process by which a mind can be transferred into a different body. For those who can afford the process it represents an indefinite extension of their lifespan.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1-2 Agents receive Clone trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Covarsys, +15 relations your Nation, +5 minutes to Doomsday Clock
5LAZARUSA means of completely halting the aging process. In a word: immortality.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, +10 minutes to Doomsday Clock (will offset with -15 minutes once HYPERPOSITION is unlocked)
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Covarsys, +15 relations your Nation
RoboticsDefence Robotics1LIGHTNINGBy replacing tendons and skeletal muscles with smart nano-fibers, we can create soldiers with extraordinary reflexes and super-human speed.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, all Agents receive Lightning trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Defense Robotics, +10 relations all Nations
2SWITCHThis learning combat AI is capable of making millions of decisions per second, managing a battlefield completely autonomously. Human generals may become obsolete.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, Drones move faster than normal
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Defense Robotics, +10 relations all Nations
3ARESWhile wearing the ARES exoskeleton, a single human has the physical power of a modern tank.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receive Exoskeleton trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Defense Robotics, +10 relations all Nations
4FORCE 1Autonomous combat robots can be deployed into combat where they will act autonomously. Imagine being able to put boots on the ground anywhere on Earth while taking no casualties. On our side, at any rate.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receive Cyborg trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Defense Robotics, +10 relations all Nations
5ABADDONThis ultimate aerial drone is built of a new ultra-light ceramic, capable of withstanding a nuclear blast. Its AI is capable of autonomous operation and its clean nuclear reactor allows it to stay in the air indefinitely. The most worrisome aspect is its ability to self-replicate from recovered materials: a single ABADDON can become thousands in a matter of weeks.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, +10 minutes to Doomsday Clock, one leading Nation drops out of Sigma race
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Defense Robotics, +10 relations all Nations
FinanceThe World Bank1STABILITYThe STABILITY project can predict financial market movements with effectively 100% accuracy. Theoretically this could be the end of capitalism as we know it, for better or worse.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations World Bank, +10 relations all Nations
2SHAREAn AI of unprecedented scale that can manage, for example, an entire nation's tax and payroll systems. Entire goverment ministries could be made redundant.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -5 relations your Nation, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations World Bank, +10 relations your Nation
3CLEAR COINSImagine an economic system where there is no imbalance of information and every transaction is frictionless from Lagos to London. Everyone in the Third World can truly participate in the global economy for the first time.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receives SentineI trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations World Bank, 10 relations your Nation
4E COINSIndividual national currencies are replaced with a single global cryptocurrency. Corruption is theoretically impossible in a world where every transaction is part of the public record. This is also the end of privacy, one supposes.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receives E-Coin trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations World Bank
5ZEROWith the ZERO system, demand can be instantly matched to global supply, eliminating local scarcity. This is the dawn of a post-money, post-scarcity economy, if that's what we want.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations World Bank, +10 relations all Nations
AstrophysicsStar Frontier1SOLAR NETWORKWith the perfection of hyper-tensile materials and laser energy transmission, the SOLAR NETWORK orbital solar stations can fulfill the Earth's energy needs for centuries to come.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, Your scientists receive Untraceable trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Star Frontier, +10 relations all Nations
2GEOFORCEThe GEOFORCE hyper-efficient ground penetrating radar system can detect fossil fuel and precious metal deposits anywhere on Earth. The last gold rush is upon us.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -5 relations your Nation, -10 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Star Frontier, +10 relations all Nations
3STRATOSThe STRATOS aircraft is technically a low-orbit spacecraft. No matter what you decide to call it, its hypersonic velocities mean that you can travel from Paris to New York in 10 minutes.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, your Agents receive Ultra-Mobile trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Star Frontier, +10 relations all Nations
4DIMENSIONAL GATEThe GATE portals let us transmit matter almost instantaneously across vast distances. Cargo ships and freight trucks are effectively obsolete.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, 1 Agent receive Gate trait
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Star Frontier, +10 relations all Nations
5INFINITY GATESOur new understanding of quantum HYPERPOSITION make it possible to teleport anything across any conceivable distance, and not just on Earth. This is the beginning of humanity as an interstellar species.Choose one:
  • +3 Σ, -15 minutes to Doomsday Clock
  • +2 Σ, +10 relations Star Frontier, +10 relations all Nations

Sigma Theory Tips

Sigma theory global cold war review

Sigma Theory Global Cold War Trainer

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